Page name: Undead Zoo! characters! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-13 01:13:29
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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~* Welcome to the character page! *~


The classes are Gunner, sword Fighter, Healer, Hand to hand fighter, Blade (Uses knives, throwing stars, and\or daggers) and The Given (The ones who use the ability of their race.)

Format to use:

User Name:
Character Name:
Character history:
Character Description:
Character Items:

1. User Name:[Kbird]
Character Name: Anabell
Race: Human
Class: Gunner
Character history: All that's really known is that she greets you and then rules what you do once in the facility. Also, her father is high ranking.
Character Description: She has a southern accent and her mood can go from a happy friendly person to a cold vindictive well all-in-all a B**ch. She's 28 years old.
Character items: Her gun, and a old necklace which has been passed down for years wich makes people more likely to listen to her no matter thir race.
Image: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1471050765.jpg>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Alan Stark
Race: Vampire
Class: Sword Fighter
Character history: Unknown, for some reason he doesn't remember anything about his human life before he was turned except his name and that he's a swordsman. If he tries to remember any more he gets dizzy and faints. He refuses to harm a human and only drinks animal blood.
Character Description: Alan is quiet, shy and a little withdrawn, he has pale skin, black hair, silver eyes and he sort of has a punk rocker style. He's 5'8" and appears to be eighteen years old.
Character Items: His black sword and a leather necklace with a bluish white crystal on the end that he can't remember where he got.
Image: <img500*0:>

User Name:[Kbird]
Character Name:David
Class:strong gunner but can do some hand to hand as well.
Character history:He cant remember anything before the age of fifteen.His oldest memory is waking up in a building the remains of one at lest.He was trapped under some suportbeems.If Annabell and Jace weren't passing by he probably would of died.David has trained under Annabell for gunning and Jace for hand-to-hand.He uselly trys to go missons with Jace and looks up to Jace as a kind of big brother.
Character Description: he is ninteen
Character Items:His gun and a pocketwatch.

User Name:
Character Name: Jace
Race: Werewolf
Class: Hand-to-hand fighter
Character history: Third generation werewolf and one of the first non-humans to join the human government a decade ago at age 22. Has a fairly obvious crush on Anabell, but is otherwise a very strong and stoic soldier.
Character Description: See images.
Character Items: A pair of handcuffs.

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Alexander Thorn (Likes to be called Alex or Xander)
Race: Werewolf
Class: Blade
Character history: He lost both of his parents when he was just three years old and was abused physically and verbally by his female guardian, he would often run away to see his friend Charles who was a lot older and like a brother to him. When Alexander was 10 he and his guardian were attacked by another werewolf which killed his guardian and had him cornered and was about to kill him, but Charles saw what happened and rushed in giving up his own life as a distraction so Alexander could escape. Jace is his half brother.
Character Description: Alexander has red hair and grey eyes, he has a black flame tattoo on his left arm and he's sixteen. In battle he's serious and a badass smart alec, but when he's relaxed and with friends he's a prankster and he's still a smart alec, but he has a soft side when it comes to children.
Character Items: Two rings he wears on his left thumb and index finger, a large leather bracelet on his left wrist, a black crucifix that once belonged to his older "brother" Charles, and a stuffed tiger that was given to him by Charles right before he died that he uses to store extra blades.
Image: <img200*0:stuff/aj/88645/1354510072.jpg>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Jack Thorn
Race: Werewolf
Class: Gunner
Character history: Jack is Alex's older brother and Jace's half brother, when he was three years old and Alex was still a baby he was kidnapped by a woman named Caroline Livingston who was jealous of his and Alex's parents because they had two children when she was unable to have any due to a medical problem she was born with that made her infertile. When Jack was thirteen years old and Caroline was dying of a mysterious illness she told him the truth, after she died he went to find his real parents, but when he found out that they were dead he left to be on his own, he didn't look for Alex because he learned that Alex didn't know about him, so he lived on his own.
Character Description: Jack has black hair with white streaks in it, blue eyes and he's nineteen years old. Jack is a bit of a womanizer, and people say he's a bad ass ladies man.
Character Items: A silver bracelet he wears on his right wrist, his stud earrings and his gun.
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Loki
Race: Werecat
Class: Healer and hand-to-hand combat fighter.
Character history: Loki's father is a human and Anabell's uncle so he is her younger cousin. His father fell in love with a female werecat named Luna and two years after dating they got married and had him. Loki's father taught him how to fight using hand-to-hand because he was being bullied and needed to know how to protect himself, at a young age he learned that he could heal others, but he would get weak or sick if he healed too many people in one day and needed to rest for three days afterwards.
Character Description: Loki is fifteen years old and is a kind sweet caring young man, he loves animals and has a pet vampire cat named Snowball that follows him everywhere. He hates to fight and tries to avoid it the best he can, he's shy and not very talkative, he mostly just talks to Anabell, his parents and his cat, he also blushes really easy.
Character Items: His vampire cat that follows him everywhere.
Image: <img:stuff/aj/88645/1358823613.jpg>

User Name: [ancienteye]
Character Name: Yue
Race: Alien
Class: The Given
Character history: She works in the laboratories of the Facility. Her particular kind of alien is fire- and acid-proof as well as tolerant of extreme temperatures and immune to most poisons. The downside is that her blood reflects this and is capable of giving human/vampire/werecreature skin severe chemical burns, so open wounds are very dangerous to those around her. In concentrated and altered doses--which the government is working on developing into "acid ice bullets" to deal with zombies--her blood is actually capable of melting the flesh right off the average person's bones. She is usually kept from combat situations due to this.
Character Description:
Character Items: An old silver ring.

User Name: [Crimson]
Character Name: Siven
Race: werecat
Class: Healer
Character history: She lived happily until three years ago...when her father was turned into a werecat, he couldn't control himself and ended up trying to kill them. Their mother tried to fight the father but lost, Siven was nearly killed if it wasn't for her older brother she would've died. Her brother managed to kill the father before he could kill Siven. Siven was 12 at the time, the brother was 15. They lived a year together as happily as they could but the towns people found out that she was a werecat due to her father, her brother found out what the town was planning and told her to go to the next town and that he would meet her there. No matter what she wasn't supposed to go back, that was the last time she saw him. When Siven was heading to the next town she was attacked by a group of men, but was saved by a man who was passing by. She tried to continue on her way, but the man told her it was too dangerous to go on her own and told her she could live with him and he would send word to her brother as to her whereabouts. Siven waited for her brother, but he never came for her.
Character Description: She is naive and kind (often acts like Luna Lovegood from Harry potter)
Character Items: She has tons of bracelets that she wears because she loves how shiny they are. She also has two rings, one of which is a butterfly which is her favorite insect.
Image: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1359592650.jpg><img:stuff/aj/190343/1382588753.jpg>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Zane
Race: Half ice demon
Class: Given
Character history: Zane's mother fell madly in love with a human, but when she told him what she was and that she was pregnant he became fearful of her and lured her away to an open portal to hell and pushed her into it. Because of this Zane is bullied by the other demon children and is hated by not only the other adults, but his own mother who often ignores and beats him because he looks more like his father. When Zane was five years old he asked about his father and what humans were like, after which his mother told him all humans were cowardly, evil beings that would backstab and kill him if he ever got near one, she then slapped him and told him never to ask again. Zane only had one friend, a girl named Shizu, she was forbidden from seeing him again by her father and Zane told her to stay away from him because he didn't want her to get in trouble. One day Zane noticed that a portal had opened to the human world so he took the opportunity to run away from home and find out the truth.
Character Description: Despite being a half demon Zane is actually quite kind and caring, he's curious about humans and wants to find out for himself if they all are evil. He's eighteen but he looks twelve.
Character Items: A necklace that Shizu made for him before she was forbidden from seeing him and a dark chocolate brown ribbon that Shizu gave him as a going away gift.
Image: <img:stuff/aj/88645/1363037228.jpg>

User Name:[Kbird]
Character Name:Liden
Character history:His father was in the military intell he got baddly injured and could no longer do feild work, So when Liden was born his father trained him so he could join the army someday, his father was all buisness and never let him play, do to this he doesn't like figure-heads or anyone bossing him around.When he was fifteen his Father told him to leave and that he couldn't take anything with him.He has been living on his own ever sence and has no plans of changing that fact.
Character Description:He is more of a loner, dosent like being bossed...he gets annoyed by groups easily and people, he really can't stand hyper people.
Character Items:His gun, a red bandana that he ties around his arm, & a coat.

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Names: Gabriel (purple hair) and Logan (blue hair)
Race: Angel
Class: Hand to hand fighters and the given (they can make themselves invisible to humans)
Character history: Gabriel and Logan were born to two loving parents who adore them and treat them like princes. Because their parents were so protective of them and never left their sides they were bullied by the other children when they were younger so they were the only friends that each other had and are really close and don't trust people easily. When Gabriel and Logan were thirteen they both got their ears pierced even after their parents said no.
Character Description: Gabriel and Logan are seventeen and love to pull pranks on others and are very protective of each other.
Character Items: Their glasses and earrings.
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Abigail, Abby for short
Race: Human
Character history: Abigail's parents were attacked by a bloody thirsty werewolf while her mother was still pregnant with her, her father distracted it so her mother could get away. Her father managed to injure the werewolf causing it to retreat, but he was fatally wounded in the process and died in Abigail's mother's arms. Abigail's mother died while giving birth to her leaving her in the care of her grandfather.
Character Description: Abigail is very shy and timid, she doesn't trust strangers easily and is hesitant to let others help her.
Character Items: None
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name:The [Kbird]
Character Name:Meko Sukera
Character history:Came two the facility five years ago. Earlier history will come later.
Character Description:
Character Items:White cloth that she wraps around her hand and arm when fighting. A locket (Maniko has a identical locket)
theme unwell matchbox twenty

<b>User Name:
[~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Charles or Charlie
Race: Human
Character history: Charles has been interested in the medical field ever since he was five years old, and read every medical book he could get his hands on. When he was seventeen he met and fell madly in love with a woman named Sarah who turned out to be an ice demon, but when she told him what she was and that she was an ice demon he got scared because he felt he was too young to be a father and because he thought that maybe she had cast a spell on him to fall in love with her so he lured her away and pushed her into a gate that had opened in the ground which he immediately regretted.
Character Description: He loves his work and often falls asleep at his desk and sometimes forgets to read, he loves to find out new things. He is thirty-five years old.
Character Items: He often wears a stethoscope around his neck in case he needs to exam someone outside of the lab.
Image: <img300*0:>

User Name: [~Crimson Angel~]
Character Name: Chi, but usually goes by cupid.
Race: Ghost
Class: Given
Character history: Unknown for the most part Chi just popped up recently at the facility and has only been seen by the man who runs the morgue.
Character Description: Chi is a prankster, but Chi also likes to play matchmaker and thinks it's cupid.
Character Items: none
Image: <img300*0:stuff/aj/88645/1363570668.jpg>

This is spot, see spot run...

User Name: [LadyDanu]
Character Name: Spot
Race: demon
Class: healer
Character history: Kbird knows
Character Description: ears are a headband
Character Items:
Image: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1470105874.jpg>

Return to: Undead Zoo!

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2013-03-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: I just saw Zane's picture was gone, so I fixed it.

2013-03-11 [Kbird]: okay.^-^

2013-03-18 [ancienteye]: A ghostly matchmaker! Just what we needed~ XD

2013-03-18 [Kbird]: lol it's CUPID!!!

2013-03-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Chi is for comic relief. :D

2013-03-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Could someone please put lil Will on here

2013-03-28 [Kbird]: I'll take care of him later for now we can use his page asa refrence

2013-03-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok that works for me

2013-04-08 [ancienteye]: Take your bets, people! XD


2013-04-08 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Chuck Norris hands down

2013-04-09 [Kbird]: I dont care.....but chuck norris

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: *cooking*

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: David:<img:44166_1164469610.gif> What's ya doing Jace?

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Goat an' pumpkin stew, grilled gator tail, cheese an' chili sauce for veggies, an' some potato, sweet potato, an' potato an' onion rolls in the oven. Why?"

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: *thoughtful expression* "Ya think I should make some cheese-stuffed mushrooms, too?"

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Um...What was changed?

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: David: YES!!!

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: I dont know

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: *starts making the cheese stuffing and washing mushrooms* "Ya sniffin' 'round for anythin' in particular, pup?"

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: David: *shrug* Not really....I do love the gator though

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Yeah...Nothin' like a home-grilled slab a gator tail~" :)

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: Anna: Someone say Gator?!

David: Yep!

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: *starts cooking the stuffed mushrooms, stirs the cheese and chili sause, stirs the goat and pumpkin stew, turns the alligator and takes the rolls out of the oven*

2013-04-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: I shrank the pics.

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: Anabell: Can you cook well David?

David: I can eat my cooking....

Anabell: Yeah I cant either.

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: Oh okay

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Well, if you're hungry, the sauce and gator's 'bout done an' all the rolls gotta do is cool. The stew's the longest ta cook."

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: Anabell & David: Kay! =3

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: *serves some alligator on two plates* "What do ya want the sauce on? It tastes good on just 'bout anythin' green."

2013-04-29 [Kbird]: Anabell: broccli

David: Peas!

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Right, then." *pours sauce over a dish of broccoli and a dish of peas* "Here ya are."

2013-04-29 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Some a those rolls are cheese or goat stuffed, by the way."

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: Both: Yummy!

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Glad ya like it." X3

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: Anabell: I can cook for us tomarrow.

Betty: O.O that's okay sweety....

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Is something wrong with Anabell's cooking? XP

Jace: "If ya want, but I kinda like cookin'." :)

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: Yes...she's awful...she burns everything.
Anabell: Oh well if you enjoy it.^-^

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *grins* "The stew's still gonna be simmerin' for a while..." *takes stuffed mushrooms out of oven*

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: Anabell: Okay...Oww~ it smells great!
David: can't wait....

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "You're gonna hafta, pup." XP "Might as well enjoy the rest of it, though."

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: David: ^-^ *taking one of everything.*
Anabell: -___- how are you so skiny? *takeing some buns*

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Like I'd let him lay 'round after a meal like that. He puts those carbs ta work!" *evil grin*

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: David: Yep! ^-^ besides I have a great ma..umm mutab aba something..

Anabell: ;) have fun...and it's metabolism

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *looks around* "Hey, where'd Betty run off ta? Did she have work or somethin'?"

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: Betty: * calls from a distence* New meat dears!

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "New meat?"

2013-05-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Jay:*walks up with Yuzu behind him* would you quit folowing me Yuzu

Yuzu: no

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: David: =____= screw off Jay.

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Whoa! What caused /that/?" :/

2013-05-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Jay: be nice David

Yuzu: I like him

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: David:: He called your trainin "nothing compared to his assassain training" he is rackless and annoying!

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *eyes Jay* "Ya said that?"

2013-05-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: kid I agree with you that Jay is reckless but I don't know if my training methods is better than Jace's

Jay:*facepalms* yeah I said that and maybe I think that I shouldn't have now

2013-05-01 [Kbird]: I've gotta go

2013-05-01 [ancienteye]: Later, Kbird.

Jace: "Maybe." e___e

2013-05-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: See ya Kbird

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: back.

David: watch what you say =___=

2013-05-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Jay: sure I'll keep that in mind next time

Yuzu: *to Jay* idiot

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: David: good.

2013-05-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Jay:*looks at Yuzu and sighs* David meet Yuzuthe person who showed me how to be a assassin

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: David: umm...Uhh n-nice to meet you...are you planing on killing anyone.=___=

2013-05-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: I might kill the idiot that I trained then again I might not

Jay: geez Yuzu thats nice to know

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: David: yeah it is! but Please dont.

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: Me: oh this is a good time to remind people "CHARACTERS CAN DIE"

2013-05-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: fine I won't but my boss isn't going to like it and I'll probably be classified a traitor like Jay is

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: David: OR you could make it seem like your or Jay are dead

2013-05-02 [ancienteye]: Jace: *stirring stew while nodding to what David says*

2013-05-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: that sounds like a good idea and I am good with explosives

2013-05-02 [Kbird]: David: then it's pretty easy..all ya need is some DNA and maybe borned up crap!

2013-05-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yuzu: I can handle that easly once I find Jay in the rp

Jay: I'll be looking forward to it Yuzu

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: *comes out from pile of dust*.....All I did was open the door....

2013-08-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: and caused a dust avalanche* grabs a broom and dust pan*

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: *nods as I grab a broom to help* I guess it's just been awhile.

2013-08-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: yes it has*starts sweeping up the dust*

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: * uses giant vacoom

2013-08-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: where did that come from

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: ....I don't know...It just kinda appeared there

2013-08-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i see

Lil Will: *pokes his hand up from under the dust* a little help here, I'm stuck

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Graham: *walks up and pulls him out* This place is depressingly dirty. *runs finger a crossed a profile*

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Kitty like a clean house?"

2013-08-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: thanks Graham

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Graham: Yes! cats are some of the cleanest animals you can find!

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "So does that make you the butler as well as the bartender?"

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Graham: *smirks* I'm the wild card.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "The wild card who cleans."

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Graham: *nods happily*

Mark: =___= you do realize his not trying to be nice.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *crooked grin*

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Gram: None sense your the one saying he's trying to be mean! ^-^

Mark: =____= he is.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "I thought you liked mean? Aren't you seeing that ghost with the mouth?"

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Mark: She doesn't have a mouth she's just truthful! >:(

Graham: and he's not officially dating her~

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *to Graham* "So it's more of a fling, then? Makes sense. She's probably had /centuries/ of experience. ...Well, as much experience as one can have without a physical body."

2013-08-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: *mutters to himself"I can't believe thery are talking about this here"*

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Mark: >:O she's not like that.

Graham: No I think it's more of they haven't figured out how to make it work.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *proceeds to take what Graham said in the dirty sense, but I'm not writing it out. Mark and Graham should be able to hear what he's saying, though...*

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Graham: *burst out laughing* I-I doubt that they've thought abit it like that!!! pffft hahahaha!

Mark: O///O ...=___= dirty minded Ba***rd

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *to Mark* "You can't tell me you've never considered it~ If you were that innocent, you'd have no problem with your sister parading around in short skirts and dating."

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Mark: =___= I worry about her because there are people like you and Desmond wandering around waiting for her to get drunk.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *raises an eyebrow* "'People like me'? What did I do to earn such a title?"

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Mark: You where one of the people that wanted to use her as a doll. >:(

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "So I wanted to see what she looked like in a dress. It's not like I was in the room when she was being changed into it." *shrugs*

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Mark: =___- there's a reason she doesn't dress like that when she's sober...she doesn't like short dresses.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Yes, and now I know why. Don't you love it when everything works out for the best~"

2013-08-19 [Kbird]: Mark: *death glare* next time respect peoples wishes, especially if they're going to be your bosses.

2013-08-19 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "But she isn't." *raises an eyebrow*

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: When Nova had Luki And Fern team up they where too share everything INCLUDING their men, there for you are now one of her men

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "But I'm not." :/ *to Graham* "Didn't you explain anything to him? Or do you prefer to watch him stumble in the dark?"

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Graham: Humm? Oh yeah I was enjoying this but..*clears throat* Rhett is Lilly's manservant, there for not one of Luki's men."

Mark: =___= If Lilly is one of Luki's men then that means anyone she has is his as well.

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Nope~ I'm just sticking around until I repay my debt, and that has nothing to do with Luki."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: *raises eyebrow* Your Lillys B**ch and that makes you Luki's B**ch.

Graham: We've said alittle to much in front of a child....

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *ignoring Graham* "I'm Lil's bodyguard, not her maid or babysitter. Taking orders isn't my thing."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: Do you honestly think she needs one?

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Probably not. But she saved my life, so I have to do the same. Luckily I only need one chance."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: How long do you think it'll be before you get that chance? *looks rather hopeful*

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Don't know. It hasn't happened yet, though."

He just wants Rhett gone, huh? XP

2013-08-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: like I'm going to repeat any of this

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Yes he really does...*sigh* I'll be back...again

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: Clearly, well let's hope you wont have to wait much longer.

Graham: *to will* you better not, those are bad words.

2013-08-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: I've heard worse from my dad when he was alive and I have yet to repeat them

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Meh. I can be patient."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: =___= if your her bodyguard why aren't you with her?

Graham: Good heres a cookie! *gives cookie*

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "She can take care of herself." *shrugs*

2013-08-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: *takes the cookie and sits by the wall to eat it*

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: =___= with that attitude your never pay her back

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "I already spent a year following her around for even a sliver of a chance. The only thing it gave me was a headache trying to keep up with her schedule."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Graham: *smirks* sound familiar Mark? :P

Mark: *shrugs* I'd imagine she'd come close to danger alot

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Not close enough." e__e

What did Graham mean?

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Its hard to keep up with fern sometims...XP

Mark: hmmm hopefully it won't be long before you repay her

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Then you won't have to put up with this charming face, anymore~" *crooked grin*

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: it will be hard but... I think I can get over that loss. *smirks*

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *sarcastic* "How heartbreaking."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: but it can't be helped

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "I suppose it could. I might just stick around for kicks."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: no that's okay...wouldn't want you to be stuck in such a dull place.

By the way Graham treating this like a comdey, he keeps looking between Rhett and Mark

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: XD

Rhett: "There's nothing dull about it~ Between the cat, the water demon, the boss-lady, and the alcohol, entertainment thrives here!"

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Graham: awww how kind of you!

Mark: what so entertaining about Fern?

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Getting her drunk~"

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Mark: that's not fun.

Graham: that's my job! *pouts a it* and sorry mark but it israther entertaining.

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "But you weren't here, this time and everyone wanted to see her in a dress~"

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Graham: huh?! Oh I missed all the fun~

Mark: Graham stop encouraging him!

2013-08-20 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Lil also got her in make-up and Celest did her hair. She seemed to like the hair the best..."

2013-08-20 [Kbird]: Graham: oh yes she loves having her hair played with.

Mark: =_=

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Really...?" *smirks*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Mark: don't even try it. >:(

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "I have no idea what you're talking about~"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Mark: sure you don't.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: *to Graham* "Is he always like this?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Hmmm Only when I first met him

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "So he loosens up?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Hmm possibly....but I doubt it.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Then what did you mean?" *raises eyebrow*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Well he seems a bit more...hustle towards you.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Can't imagine why." *blatant lies*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Maybe he has a thing against cool looking people.

Mark: =____= walks away

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Obviously~"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: *whisper* Maybe he's a closet gay.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "That would explain a few things..."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: *snickers*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Would somewhat explain your relationship to him, as well."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: *raises eyebrows* Oh how so?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "He gets angry at you, but never enough to be as destructive as he's rumored to be--despite the fact that your more humorous pastimes tend to be just as destructive."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: That's only because I've known him for years.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "So he's tried to crack your skull open a few times in the past?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: twice~! Fern stopped him before he could do much though

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Loyal to you even so soon, eh?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Oh it took a while for loyalty...It's just.. I was useful.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Really? She keeps track of her assets, then."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: when has she not?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Wouldn't know. I haven't exactly talked much with her."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: hahaha what a shame, shes a joy to talk to

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Well, you strike me as the type to think that of anyone."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: =___= no there are a few people that aren't fun.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Dare I ask who?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham:......The snake with silver hair.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "You mean Celest?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: nods*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "But you have a history with her, right? Is there anyone else who is just unamusing to you?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Hrmmmm I'm sorry but Luki doesn't interested me to often

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Why apologize?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Because...It's not nice to dislike people.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "You didn't apologize about Celest."

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: ^-^ I know.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "...Just...making sure..."

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: *pokes Rhett* Hi...

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "Hey."

Do you remember who he is?

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yes she probably does

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes, he called Todd a stray. *glares*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "First poking, now glaring? Ouch."

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: I could do something else. *grabs pruning shears*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "You like playing with sharp things, too~" *holds up knife menacingly* "Then bring it."

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: You don't even know what I want to cut off. *grins*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Rhett: "The same goes for vice-versa~"

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will; HEY! i'm still sitting here

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: awww I kinda want to see this though.... :/

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: Fine let it happen then

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Graham: Yay!!

Me: :'O ahhh...this wont be pretty

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will; violence never is

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Me: >:O your evil you shouldn't say that! you should say "Yes violence is quite wonderful"

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: I may be evil but i'm not that evil

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Me: I doubt your evil

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